Julien Schaal have now moved into their new Hunawihr winery, overlooking Clos St. Hune. The Julien Schaal label reserved for the range of Grands Crus. All the wines are hand-harvested, slowly whole-bunch pressed, then settled without any addition of sulphur dioxide so the solids oxidise. Wines ferment spontaneously and are racked off gross lees once the ferment is finished. The wines stay on fine lees with a little batonnage to extract mannoproteins from the lees. They prefer to balance acidity with mouthfeel rather than sweetness and also prefer to prevent malolactic conversion.
GEOLOGY: Resting upon soils of Keuper marl, dolomite rock, and gypsum, these grounds are abundant in enriching elements that boast excellent water retention properties. They provide Riesling wines with additional structure and depth, as well as flavors of ripe fruit, and stone fruits with delicate acidity.