This small five-hectare winery, situated on the rocky slopes of the Olifantsberg mountain that gives its name to these wines, has been owned by the Dutch Leeuwerik family since 2003. The vineyards look out over the wide Breedekloof Valley and endure big diurnal temperature swings and strong winds throughout the year. In the summer these constant winds have a cooling effect on the vines and during winter the mountain peaks are covered in snow, keeping the vines dormant for longer. The vineyards are planted on a North Westerly aspect. This aspect ensures that the vineyards receive enough sun exposure to fully ripen its grapes. The altitudes of the vineyards range from 250m to 450m above sea level.
Carignan is well suited to the climate of the estate and flourishes in the very rocky terrain. Their Carignan is grown as bush vines on clay-shale rich soil with a high component of quartz rock. The vineyards are surrounded by Breede Shale Renosterveld vegetation that helps create a natural biodiversity.
Olifantsberg Carignan 2021
5 in stock.
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