Zorgvliet Wines has been under the ownership of the van der Merwe’s since 2002. It is a family owned business, with family values. The vineyards are in the Banghoek Valley, Stellenbosch, named for the fear that the slopes, vagabonds and predators instilled in early travellers. Elevation is 300-500m above sea level and is mostly southerly facing. This provides for moderate temperatures resulting in late but slow ripening of fruit. The soils are made up of leached, decomposed granite and sandstone. Gravel in the upper layers provides for good drainage in wet seasons and clay in the subsoil provides moisture retention in dry ones. The wines, with the emphasis on Bordeaux varieties and blends, are the responsibility of Bernard le Roux, with Ruben Adams and third-generation Van der Merwe, Richelle.
Blend information: Sauvignon blanc 50%; Semillon 50%
Barrel composition: Old 500L and 600L French oak barrels.